Voices in Harmony Foundation

LABBS Grants

The Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers (LABBS) is a charity that exists to develop and promote harmony singing through encouragement, development, and education.

Each year LABBS awards grants to its member's clubs, individual members, member quartets, and members of the public to help educate the world about barbershop singing.  It uses the LABBS Voices in Harmony Foundation to manage donations made to provide grants.

Our current grants are:
  • The Jen Mills Award (for Quartets)
  • Katy Phillips Young Barbershopper of the Year Award and Bursaries
  • LABBS Chorus Grant
  • LABBS Quartet Grant
  • LABBS Education Event Grants 
  • Love to Sing Grants (for member clubs)

All of the above except the education grants are open to LABBS members only.  Application forms and further details for those can be found in the Members area along with the application dates. When suitable education events are scheduled that have grants available for non-members, the application forms will be published here.

Education grants 2025

LABBS Education Event Grants

For fee-paying events, several grants to attend are made available.

Applications for grants to attend Directors Day in March 2025 are open with a closing date of 20 February.

Please use the form below to apply.
VinH Education Grant Application Form VinH Education Grant Application Form

Love to Sing Grants

Love to Sing programmes are one of the most popular and effective ways of growing a chorus.  LABBS wants to encourage choruses to run these courses and makes available a number of grants to be awarded to LABBS choruses who are running events with the aim of attracting new members. An application form and further details can be found in the Members area.

To find out more about any of the grants above, please contact Alys Galloway:


Donations can be made to LABBS VinH Foundation which will help to support all relevant activities:

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Donations can also be made in memoriam of Katy Phillips, a young woman who was committed to LABBS and passionate about barbershop as an MD, quartet singer, regional representative, and supporter and contributor to LABBS youth activities. These donations will be used exclusively for the annual "Katy Phillips Young Barbershopper of the Year Award and bursaries". 

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